Bernie Mobbs set the pole and set the pace for most of the race. But this is Michigan, and the final pit stop determines the race. With less than twenty to go, green flag stops were up. The leaders would come first led by, you guessed it, BM. Unfortunately, ECT Q (SORRY AGAIN BOB) would misjudge BobD’s breaking and would center punch him spinning both cars to the infield grass. The rest of the field scrambled to miss them. This would manage to spread the field out to single cars. DaBandit saw the chance and backed off letting Q get on his rear bumper. The tandem draft were in fifth and sixth and ready to chase down everyone. With less than ten to go, and BM and Fredo behind, they ran down the leader ECT Timbo. With his wingman on his tail, Rob only had to NOT pull a “Bobby”. Rob Neises held on for his first win of the season, congratulations. Q and Timbo would round out the top three. With an eventual fourth place finish plus bonus points, Bernie would continue to hold a commanding points lead. Next week we head to the beach for some sun-n-fun. Don’t forget your sunscreen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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